the characters : parents & family

Paula, Andrew, Erik & Others

The parents are supportive, absent, and sometimes preoccupied.

Paula Small, mother to Brendon and Josie, is a published author and creative writing teacher. She is supportive of Brendon and his efforts in film. She welcomes his friends and tolerates Coach McGuirk :) She is a down to earth, easy going mom, who does lay down the rules for Brendon. She has an open and good relationship with her son, and is a pretty great mom.

Erik, father to Melissa, is a single dad, who is helpful, easygoing, and sweet. He tries to be funny and to entertain his daughter. He tries to involve her in more feminine activities, which backfires, but he is trying. But he loves her, and he tries, which are the important things.

Andrew, father to Brendon, appears later in life, and tries to take an interest in Brendon now that he lives closer. He is remarried to Linda, which causes a problem with Brendon that they see a therapist for, but later quit, in a "fed-up we don't need this" way. And that act is what unites them more than the therapy.

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