Owned Listings: 744 + 0 upcoming
Total Fans: 4278 + 10 pending
Joined Listings: 379
Affiliates: 8
k r i s t i n a
Fanlisting enthusiast, mother, sister, webmiss, reader, writer, poet, and many other amazing things ;) For more visit me @ ravenbeauty or kristinadeedesign.
r a n d o m . l i s t i n g
Fanlisting for Lana Winters, a character from the second season of American Horror Story: Asylum, with an appearance in the sixth season Roanoke, portrayed by Sarah Paulson.
n e w e s t . l i s t i n g
Fanlisting for Jordan Cavanaugh, a character from the television series Crossing Jordan, portrayed by Jill Hennessy.