Sophia "Ma" Spirelli Petrillo Weinstock

portrayed by Estelle Getty

Marital Status: Widow, Remarried
Romantic Interests: Guido Spirelli, Salvadore Petrillo, Sam Weinstock
Employment: Elder Center Worker, Hospital Volunteer
Claim to Fame: "Picture this/it" stories of important life lessons

   The harsh humor and wisecracks of Sophia Petrillo brings love in a new way to everyone she encounters. Sophia is a wise woman who gladly gives her opinion on anything, no matter who or where. She criticizes Dorothy a great deal, but she is proud of her and loves her dearly.

   She helps out at the Senior Center and volunteers at the hospital. She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and she never backs down. She's a strong woman who raised three children and gave them the best of everything.

   Sophia carries around a purse that serves many purposes, hiding food she likes, hiding food she dislikes, stealing silverware, and carrying everything she needs in life. She even devotes a special night to cleaning it out.

   The most memorable moment I can recall when it comes to Sophia is the day she leaves for the grocery store to buy a nectarine. She does so much more and she helps so many people. In this day, she shows everything she is and it's beautiful.

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